Wednesday, June 17, 2009

i miss college

in college, i barely studied and took advantage of the fact that i was 400 miles away from home by doing anything i wanted. staying up til 7 am watching movies and smoking weed (when i used to smoke weed not anymore) or going out partying with my college boys.. to reading books on campus, playing basketball, fishing at south lake, and last but not least going to church friday night, saturday morning, and sunday morning consecutively for about a year and a half. it was through this church that formed my basis of God knowledge and God love.

i loved my years in college every single one of them for different reasons at a time. But surprisingly the thing i miss a lot more than i ever thought i would are the classes that i took for my major media study. i miss creating controversial projects that would be critiqued by my professor and fellow classmates such as "the tetris board of LIFE", or my other project which portrayed the message of how much damage computer gaming had on people by hand crafting a sculpture out of clay with a hand on a computer mouse with the wire leading to a hand holding a gun (think about it).

viewing peoples projects such as stop motion videos which would take many days just to do like 10 seconds of film was such a great intense experience. heres one that you can watch. i ran into it yesterday while youtubing. iron man vs captain america! haha its pretty crazy. you'd think it was simple to create something like this but it probably took more than a month maybe more than two.

idk thats it for now. i dont even know why im being nostalgic. love life love yourself and love college because college is something that you shouldnt take for granted. guarenteed best 4 years of your life unless you suck at making the best of things,

then you probably fail and should work on that cause failing sucks.


  1. yeah, if you're complaining about college. either transfer out immediately or quit life. cuz it only gets worse and worse :)

  2. i give this blog 1 month tops before it becomes as vacant as a new jersey nets game... :)

  3. wtf is this shit? xanga part 2?
